Monday, January 5, 2009

10 Dec 2008

So today, for the first time, I actually tried to run a fast 3 miles. I started out jogging, and then thought, 'Hey, 3 miles is not THAT tough anymore; why not see how fast you can run it?' I'm not really sure what I expected, but whatever that was, it isn't what happened. I wasn't looking for a drastic improvement, but then again, I didn't know what difference I would see, having never run for time before. Anyway, I ended up coming in at slightly under a 10-minute mile, which is my average; but I was still slower than my PR (29:02 5K). I'm not disappointed (I was at the time, just because of how tired I was, I thought I deserved to do better), nothing of the sort (anymore). I have never really been concerned with time, except when running "official" races (5Ks), which my only goal was to improve. I don't have a goal time for the marathon; I just want to finish.
Anyway, I don't really have much point to this ramble. I ran as fast as I could maintain for 3 miles, it wasn't as fast as I've ever run, but it was faster than I usually run. That can't be a bad thing.

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