Monday, December 15, 2008

1 Dec 2008

1 Dec 2008 - Yesterday was a Rest Day, so no entry for that day. Today is XT, Cross Training. I think I'm going to give yoga a shot. I have a book, and a mat and block and whatnot; at the worst, I'll be getting some use out of my investment, right?
On an exciting note, my page (this one, right here) was plugged on Jonathan Carroll's blog! For those who don't know, Jonathan Carroll is a wonderful author of fantastic fiction, and a terribly nice guy. His support in this challenge is incredibly inspiring, motivating, and you know, just plain cool.

So, I tried my hand at yoga today, and I have come to two conclusions: First, I enjoy yoga. The stretching feels good, and the positions engage muscles I don't normally use in walking or running, which also feels good. Second, I think I should probably find a class somewhere. I'm not sure I was doing some of the positions correctly, but it's really hard to know for sure, just from looking at a picture in a book. Like in The Karate Kid, when Daniel starts out, he's trying to learn karate from a picture book. It just doesn't work for him. When he meets Mr Miyagi, though, and begins more hands-on training, of course, things start to fall into place, and well, we all know how that one ends.

Many of the members of Team In Training have a very personal connection to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, either through loved ones and friends, or as cancer survivors themselves. Members often will run in honor of individuals who have battled cancer, pinning their names to their running jerseys, or recognizing them in some other way.
I recently learned my uncle's father, Roland Larmore, died of lymphoma. I was only 13 when he passed, but I have many fond memories of family gatherings; so I will be running this marathon to honor him.

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