Friday, December 19, 2008

4 Dec 2008

Had a really nice run last night with my friend Heather. I struggled a bit at the end of the 4 miles, but that was just because the conversation was so interesting, and I was talking more than I am used to.
Heather is one of the most generous, positive people I have ever known, and while I have always considered myself an optimist, I have seen a decided uplifting of my attitude since knowing her. She is the one who introduced me to Team In Training, and who talked me into signing up to run this marathon in April.
"Stop thinking about it, and just DO IT," was her advice when I, a novice 5k runner, hesitated, intimidated by the immensity of the undertaking. That was some of the best advice I've ever received; this is already one of the most fulfilling and enriching experiences I've had, and I'm only two weeks into my training!
I really can't wait until Saturday's group run.

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