Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 Feb 2009

Hills last night. I took the day off of work so I could get some things done around the house, and to rest up, so I went a little earlier than I usually go running. It was nice to get out there while the sun was still high in the sky. The run itself was tough; I think I really need to find my stopwatch if I'm going to be running hills alone. I need a better way to monitor my pace. I think I run too fast when I'm by myself, exceeding that 60-90s goal time. My first hill training, I ran consistent 1:17 reps; the second time (with a watch) I ran 1:05 then two 1:10s. I have no idea what my times were this time, but if I were to guess? I'd say my first rep was under a minute, my second slightly over, my third close to 1:30. I was exhausted.
Still, I'm proud of myself. I really wanted to quit after the second repetition. I was already drained, but I took a step down the hill, then another, and then I realized I was committed. I'd have to go down the hill and then run back up it in order to go home. So I did.
Later yesterday evening, we had a Team Injury Prevention Clinic with TNT Coach and certified Physical Therapist Tim Dey. Tim also ran our Nutrition Clinic several weeks ago. He is extremely knowledgeable and, even though I am not currently injured*, I found the clinic to be very informative, and I will be sharing what I learned with all my runner friends.
Tonight, I'm going very hardcore: I will be pushing myself through a rigorous evening of couching and televisioning, in preparation for tomorrow morning's 16-miler.

*I've had some slight knee pain today, but I think it is from sleeping on it funny, not from running. We'll see (fingers crossed).

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